Tours on the King's Road

Kingsroad Supreme - 5 days ❤️

Viking chiefs, medieval kings and the Danish King's officials. They all had one thing in common when they traveled between the East and West of Norway; they had to walk over the Filefjell mountain. Are we as good as our ancestors? Join the King's Road Supreme tour! It will let you walk the whole King's Road - 5 days - on most of the King's Road sections. 

Okay, the Danish bishop Pontoppidan had a lazy journey. He was dragged on a sled across the mountain by local peasants in 1749, not just one, but two times. Everyone else had to use their feet. Even with the help of horses it was a fatiguing journey.

In our time, we can experience this as an adventure. Join in for a memorable five-day hike on the King's Road across Filefjell. Reach the highest point at 1250 m.a.s.l. - a hike trough some of the most amazing nature Norwegian has to offer, and experience rich cultural heritage site and monuments on the way. You walk and cycle from East-Norway to West-Norway, starting in the valley of Valdres, spend the nights in hotels and cabins, and ends up in the valley of Lærdal, in the old town of Lærdalsøyri by the Sognefjord.

In the meantime, we carry the luggage for you. A bit like we did with Pontoppidan 😃

Press «Details» or «Price» or «Get here» for more information.


To ease the length of the hike the next day, you walk the first section «Kvamskleive» already this evening. Kvamskleive was in use from 1808 and replaced an older road on the other side of lake Vangsmjøse. If you stay at Sommerhotellet, you can start the hike at the hotel. Walk on the footpath along the E16 to Søndrol (2.5 km.) where the section Kvamskleive starts.

On your way over Kvamskleive you can take a small detour down to the old Kvam sheriff's farm. Take a break in the yard where history sits in the walls. Just remember not to smoke or use open fire, and mind the domestic animals.

At the end of Kvamskleive you have come down to the old highway E16. Here is a picnic place and toilet. The hosts will pick you up. 


  • Sections: Vennisvegen og Øye-Tyinkrysset
  • Activity: Walking and cycling
  • Surface: Some asphalt, gravel, grass. The Øye-Tyinkrysset is authentic King's Road
  • Length: 18 km. (on bike) and 12,3 km. (walking)
  • Use of time: 4-6 hours
  • You end up at accommodation: Filefjellstuene (or Explore Filefjell if full)
  • Toilets: Outhouse at Fløgstrondi and toilet at Joker Tyinkrysset
  • Progress: Direction and information signs along the road. Tour map here.

After breakfast at Rogn or at Sommerhotellet, the adventure continues. You start the day with a bike. The cycle station is placed by Neset at the eastern end of Kvamskleive where you were yesterday. You can park your car here. If you do not have a car, you may ask the host to help you. You have received the code for the padlock. After you have chosen a bike, remember to make sure that the wire passes all the bicycles on the stand before closing the padlock. Get a helmet in the wooden box. In the box you will also find a pump and a key to adjust the seats etc. Then cross the old highway and follow the road in the eastbound direction 330 meters. Around the bend, take the local road to the left over the bridge (Hemsingbrue). Then you cycle the next section which is Vennisvegen. 

It first starts with just under 3 kilometers of steep uphill - it is possible you do best in rolling the bike - but immediately after you get an easy and beautiful bike ride through the villages on the north side of lake Vangsmjøse. Just remember to take off towards Vennis and Øye (yellow signs) at the intersection 1.8 km. after start. The Vennis area is known for its landscape, cultural heritage and shoreline. A leisurely bike ride to Øye takes a couple of hours.

NB: Bicycle is included in the package, but if you don't want to cycle, you can take a public bus to the section after Vennisvegen, the Øye-Tyinkrysset section. The busses are nr. 138 (Monday-Friday, dogs allowed), and NW162 (no dogs). Even easier you may follow the car transporting your luggage. Ask the hosts at Rogn or Sommerhotellet.

When you arrive at Øye Stave Church, the cycle ride is over. Place your bike at the bike station next to the brown building on the opposite site of the road. Put the bike in the rack and make sure the wire goes through all the bikes (either through the wheels or the bike frame). Lock it with the padlock. Put the helmet in the wooden box and lock it.

Feel free to visit the small stave church that was found under a floor (!) almost 90 years ago. After the visit you walk 1.5 km. on the local paved road up to Krokasvingadn. Then continue on the section Øye-Tyinkrysset on foot. The start is just next to the ocher yellow house.  Follow the signs. The King's Road goes in hilly terrain and with a few exceptions on grass cover up towards Tyinkrysset. At Tyinkrysset, the King's Road passes through the cabin estate, and at «Grøvstølbrue» (small modern wooden bridge) you go left and up towards Filefjellstuene. Here you will spend the night. Your luggage has been brought here.
You can buy a 3-course dinner every day at 19:00 (table reservation no later than the evening before if you haven't booked via this tour) at Filefjellstuene or at Tyinkrysset Fjellstue (dinner is not included in the tour price).
Facts first day of hiking: About 21 kilometers by bike, about 14 kilometers on foot.

DAY 2:

  • Sections: Tyinkrysset-Kyrkjestølen and Kyrkjestølen-Maristova
  • Activity: Walking
  • Surface: Some asphalt, gravel, grass, authentic King's Road
  • Length: 7 km. and 10,7 km.
  • Use of time: 4-5 hours
  • You end up at accommodationg: Maristuen Fjellferie on Maristova
  • Toilets: Outhouse at Grimhamarstølen (just after start), Kyrkjestølen and Maristova
  • Progress: Direction and information signs along the road. Tour map here.

After breakfast in the restaurant of Filefjellstuene (served buffet-style), you will experience the high mountain stretches across Filefjell. You walk the Tyinkrysset-Kyrkjestølen section and continue on Kyrkjestølen-Maristova section. You will reach the highest point of the road, 1250 m.a.s.l - in the area of ​​Stiftstøtta – a marble monument that marked the old border between the dioceses of Akerhus and Bjørgvin.
After a while you will descend down to Maristova and here you will stay in the cabins of Maristuen Fjellferie. Your luggage has been brought here. Maristova do not have any restaurant. But the host sells premade supper/dinner dishes that you cock yourself in the cabin.
If you talk to the host on beforehand, you can get a brief tour of Margrethestova (1792) where Director-General of Roads, C. J. Hammer, stayed when he supervised the construction of the King's Road (not included in the price). His four-poster bed still stands there!
Facts on the second hiking day: About 18 kilometers in the mountains. Mostly grass cover. There are smaller stretches with asphalt between Filefjellstuene and Kyrkjestølen at the start of the day.

DAY 3: 

  • Sections: Maristova-Borlaug and Borlaug-Borgund
  • Activity: Walking and cycling
  • Surface: Grass, some paths, asphalt, first part is authentic King's Road.
  • Length: 7 km. and approx. 10 km.
  • Use of time: 3 hours
  • You end up at accommodation: Eggum gard (Tufte farm or Borgund hyttesenter if full)
  • Toilets: WC at Borlaug and at service center Borgund (both E16 road toilets)
  • Progress: Direction and information signs along the road. Tour map here.

After breakfast which you prepare yourself in your cabin together with a lunch packet, the hike starts on the Maristova-Borlaug section, with Brattebakken bridge as an attraction.
Well down at Borlaug you pass Borlo Farmyard with 21 buildings of exhibits showing the diversity in the mountain village of Borgund. 

Here you go to the bike station and choose a bike. You will find the station on the other side of the E16, at HI Borlaug (the station may be difficult to see from the King's Road, but you will find it as soon as you are at Hi Borlaug). You have received the code for the padlock. After you have found a bicycle, remember to make sure that the wire passes all the bicycles on the stand before closing the padlock. Get a helmet in the wooden box. In the box you will also find a pump and a key to adjust the seats etc. Then you cycle to the next section, Borlaug-Borgund stave church, first a little along the E16, then along the old E16.

NOTE: Be extra careful when crossing the E16 to the cycling station and when cycling along the E16 down to the junction towards Borgund! For your own safety, we ask you to roll the bike 500 meters down to the intersection.

From there you cycle past small farms with pasture for sheep and goats. Several campsites are located here, such as Steinklepp camping.

Bicycle is included in the package. If you still want to walk, continue on the King's Road through the heritage landscape of the farmyard down to the road E16. Walk at the edge of the E16 a short distance to where the county road takes off towards Borgund. From here, the King's Road route goes on the old E16 through Borgund.

After an small hour of biking you arrive at the center of village Borgund. Ride to the bike station (you see it to the right side of the road), set aside the bike, lock the padlock and lock the helmet in the wooden box. Then walk back to Eggum farm where you will spend the night. The farm with the yellow cabins are to the right, and close to the village center of Borgund, with the Postaabneriet pub and cafe and Borgund grocery store. The hosts at Eggum sells simple supper/dinner dishes that you cock yourself in the cabin. You can also buy food from the nearby grocery store. Your luggage has been brought to Eggum.
Facts third day of hiking: About 14 kilometers of hiking, about 8 km. of them on asphalt.

DAY 4: 

  • Sections: The rest of Borlaug-Borgund, Vindhellavegen, Øygardsvegen and Galdane
  • Activity: Walking
  • Surface: First some asphalt. Gravel, grass. Authentic King's Road
  • Length: 13 km.
  • Use of time: 4-5 hours
  • You end up at: Hotel, guest house or apartment in Lærdalsøyri. The address will be sent to you
  • Toilets: Borgund (just after the start), modern outhous at the bottom of Vindhella, WC at Sjurhaugen (E16 roadside toilet), outhouse just above the houses at Galdane dairy farm
  • Progress: Direction and information signs along the road. Tour map here.

After breakfast which you prepare yourself in the cabin together with a lunch pack, you are ready to walk the most famous sections of the King's Road across Filefjell. You will experience Vindhellavegen, Øygardsvegen and Galdane. And you can visit the world known attraction Borgund Stave Church.
You continue walking down the county road through the center of Borgund and 500 meters westward you meet the junction that leads onto the E16. Do not enter the E16. Go straight ahead and into what was once the national highway 60. Keep going until you walk through the yard of the Borgund hyttesenter and camping a good kilometer later. Here is a cafe/fast food.
Continue a kilometre more towards the junction at the E16 tunnel. You choose the road that goes over the tunnel roof and onto old E16 down to Borgund Stave Church. To access the stave church, the new church, exhibitions, café and toilet, you must buy a ticket in the visitor center.
Then the Vindhellavegen road awaits you. Either you go behind the red church and follow the signs to Vindhellavegen from there. Or you can walk back 300 meters in the direction you came, and start the Vindhellavegen where it actually starts (recommended). Enjoy old road construction!

After walking the Vindhellavegen road, you are down at Rimskjold. From here you walk approximately 500 meters on asphalt (old E16) until you start on Øygardsvegen (to the right).
But first, take a detour (30 metres) to old Nedre Kvame bridge. This beautiful vaulted bridge in stone from 1863 replaced Steine bridge which was swept away during the flood of 1860. Read more at Øygardsvegen.
The next section is another of the legendary stretches on Kongevegen; Galdane. The road through Galdane is full of myths and has provided inspiration for many well-known works of art.
Feel free to take a break at the Galdane croft where the route has been named. Afterwards you continue along the river Lærdalselvi to Seltun where the King's Road meets highway E16.
Here is the hike over. You walk a few meters east to the bus stop at E16 and take bus to Lærdalsøyri (bus not included in the price). 

Bus alternatives:

  • 2.20 pm (NW162 Øst/Vest-ekspressen daily, the bus do not accept dogs) to Håbakken, og bus VY450 further to Lærdalsøyri at 3.10 pm.
  • 2.55 pm to Lærdalsøyri (Bus VY170 daily, do not accept dogs).
  • 6.23 pm. daily except Saturdays (Route 138 Lærdal-Fagernes, accept dogs). 
  • 6.23 pm. (NW162 ) to Håbakken 6.35 (daoily 01.07. to 11.08), cahnge to route 138)
  • 8.20 pm to Lærdalsøyri (VY170, daily, do not accept dogs).

In the evening you spend the night at old Lærdalsøyri, either at Sanden pension, Lindstrøm hotel, Lærdal HotelOld Lærdalsøyri Apartments or in Old Merchant Henry's Store
Your luggage has been brougt here.
In the evening, you can experience the old Lærdalsøyri, one of Norway's best-preserved wooden house towns from the 18th and 19th centuries, with about 170 wooden buildings. Small shops, like Smak av Sogn/Farmers market, small cafés. Activities as painting cours at Gallery Bryggja or guided old town walk.

After breakfast you can wander around Lærdalsøyri until a public bus takes you back to Rogn or Sommerhotellet where you parked your car. Or join a guided walk in old town of Lærdalsøyri, or rock climbing, or maybe a two hours painting course on the old pier?

Press the button «Get here» to learn how to get back to where you started or to Oslo/Bergen.

PS: Are you a larger group or do you need help with the order? Write to

If 4 or more travels together: 7 390,- NOK
If 2-3 persons travels together: 8 390,- NOK
If you travel alone: 9 990,- NOK

5 nights in cabins, hotels, guesthouses, apartments or hotel rooms
5 breakfasts
4 lunch packs that you prepare during breakfast
4 tea/coffee in a thermos (bring your own thermos)
Transport to the start on the arrival day and on the first hiking day 
4 luggage transports
Bed Linens/Towels

Public buses
Fee for bringing your dog
Splitting of beds
Guided tours


You arrive at Rogn camping or Sommerhotellet in Vang in Valdres with a car or a bus. There is a direct bus from Oslo (NW 160 Valdresekspressen) and from Bergen (NW 162 Øst/Vest Xpressen) which fits with check-in time. The bus routes follow the highway E16. If your accommodation is Rogn camping, you get of the bus at Vangsnes bus stop. If you stay at the Summer Hotel, your stop is at the center of Vang village.

If you parked your car where you started, you can take the regular bus back to the car as follows (not included in the package price):

  • Route 138 Lærdal-Fagernes departs from Lærdal town hall 11.00 a.m. (not included in the price) and arrive at a bus stop near Rogn camping at about 00.50 p.m (not Saturdays).
  • VY170 from Lærdal town hall at 00.25 p.m. daily. Corresponds with NW162 on Håbakken 00.37 p.m. to a stop near Rogn camping at 2.39 p.m. Neset cirka 2.37 p.m.
  • The King's Road Bus leaves from Lærdal town hall towards Tyinkrysset at 8:30 a.m. daily in the period it operates. It corresponds with the Valdresekspressen NW160 which departs from Tyinkrysset at. 9.58 am.

Public express buses to Oslo and Bergen (not included in the package price):

VY170 runs from Lærdal town hall to Oslo several times a day
MW420 runs from Lærdal town hall to Bergen at 08.45
VY450 runs from Lærdal town hall to Bergen at 10.45
NW162 Øst Vest-Xpressen from Håbakken to Bergen

(subject to route changes)


Explore Vang, see Vangssteinen next to Vang church (day of arrival)
Dining at the beautiful Summer Hotel in Vang.
Experience Øye Stave Church (first day of walking)
Visit the Museum on the Barn (first day of walking, on request)
Grocery store Joker Tyinkrysset (last part of the first day of hiking)
Any equipment for the hike? Intersport Tyinkrysset.
Guided tour of the Margretestuen (second hiking day, on request)
Guided tour of the Borlo Farmyard (third day, on request)
Grocery at at Borgund grocery store (beginning of fourth hiking day)
Visit the Borgund Stave Church (fourth day of walking)
Guided town walk in the Old Town of Lærdalsøyri (last day)
Two hours painting course in old town pier (last day)
Visit Smak av Sogn / Farmers market in old town

Visit Kongevegen
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