Kongevegen between Øye and Tyinkrysset is one of the longer original stretches between Vang and Lærdal. Most of the route is a grassy track.
If you head west, this is the third section of Kongevegen across Filefjell, and follows Vennisvegen. The next section is Tyinkrysset – Kyrkjestølen.
Starting point is Øye Stave Church, which has always been located along to the route. The church was believed to have been lost when it was demolished and replaced by a new in 1747, but was rediscovered under the floor of the new church when repair work was carried out in the 1930s.
Originally, the church was located further down towards lake Vangsmjøse. When Øye Stave Church was built is not known, but it is believed to be around year 1200.
From the church, follow the E16 for 450 meters towards Filefjell, and then turn onto the original Kongevegen by Krokasvingadn in Eidskroke(n). The road goes on the right side of the old, yellow house. Follow the signs.
Kongevegen then continue over the tunnel roof and leads uphill to Støndafjorden, and follows the fjord.
After Støndafjorden, take a detour from Kongevegen and visit Grihamar milestone up by the E16. This is an important part of road history, and dates back to 1687 – i.e. before Kongevegen. Information display and benches are provided.
From Olshølbrue, Kongevegen runs on the western side of Begna up towards Varpebrue (Varpe bridge).
Skogstad was a traditional guest house and coaching inn, and was mentioned as early as in 1663. In 1749, bishop Pontoppidan referred to Skogstad as a small village. The villages on each side of Filefjell had several such stations to cater for people travelling between east and west.
Storofsen (flood disaster) hit Skogstad hard. This disaster may be the reason for Kongevegen being built here, and not between the farms on the sunny side. A hotel that was built at Skogstad later on, burned down in 1956.
Kongevegen leads through a dense fir-tree forest before you get near the mountain and meet mountain birch and heath.
As was typical for the method used to build Kongevegen in the late 1700s, the road rolls up and down as it gradually climbs towards Varpe bridge.
By Varpe bridge, you have to cross the E16. This is an 80 km speed zone.
The route continues with a beautiful walk along Fløgstrøndfjorden. Just before Kølabrune (Kølabrua) bridge, there is a steep climb and then the area levels out towards Tyinkrysset.
At Tyinkrysset, you have reached 900 m a.s.l. The village has numerous cabins, ski lift, accommodation, shops, and restaurants. Accommodation and food can be found at Filefjellstuene.
If you need provisions, visit Joker Tyinkrysset.