In 2009, a camp from the early Viking era was discovered, and it is still a puzzle for the archaeologists.
You can read about the surprising find from around 700–850 AD on the information displays by Bjørkum.
Where the displays are is also where site was located, some 15 km from the fjord.
Tens of thousands of bones – mostly reindeer antlers – and combs, weaving equipment, glass beads, keys, and animal graves from what may have been a cult, are some of what was discovered.
There were also a surprising number of pit-houses, which are very rare. At Bjørkum, there were around 15 of them.
One of the world's most spectacular Viking combs was found here.
It had a runic inscription. “Øystein made this”. This Øystein must have been one of the country’s best comb-makers in his time.
Bjørkum was a rich and unique find, and is still a site that researchers struggle to find a clear explanation for.
Copies of the artefacts are on display at the visitor centre by Borgund Stave Church.