Tours on the King's Road

Kingsroad Mountain Pass - 3 days

Follow the paths of the Viking Kings. Walk from eastern Norway to western Norway over the legandary mountain Filefjell. Hike worry-free trough spectacular scenery while we take care of your luggage.

You arrive the day before at Filefjellstuene on the Filefjell mouintain by car or by bus and can check in for a nice evening and a good night's sleep. There is also a direct bus from Bergen and Lillehammer (NW162 Øst/Vest-Xpressen) and from Oslo (NW160 Valdresekspressen) to Tyinkrysset which fits with check-in in this package. The bus routes follow the E16.

DAY 1:
After breakfast (served buffet-style), the hotel provides transportation to Øye, where the «Kingsroad Mountain Pass Tour» starts. From Øye you will walk the stretch Øye-Tyinkrysset approximately 12 kilometers up the east side of Filefjell.
You hike on the authentic Kingsroad path up to Støndafjorden (mountain lake), continue on the west side of the river Begna to Varpe bridge. You will pass Skogstad, a historical farm and coaching inn, mentioned already in 1663. The Kingsroad goes through spruce forest and later through forrests of mountain birch .
After a while you walks pass the Fløgstrøndfjorden (mountain lake). Just before Køla bridge there is a sharp rise before it the road flattens out towards the Tyinkrysset. Then you are 900 m.a.s.l. and you end the hike at Filefjellstuene. The hike takes between 3.5 and 5 hours. Read more about the stretch Øye-Tyinkrysset here.

DAY 2:
After breakfast (served buffet-style) you start your hike at your hotel Filefjellstuene and follow the authentic Kingsroad westward towards Kyrkjestølen on the stretch Tyinkrysset-Kyrkjestølen.
At the old mountain dairy farm Kyrkjestølen you start on the famous stretch which takes you to the top of Filefjell, Kyrkjestølen-Maristova and to the Kingsroad highest point, about 1250 m.a.s.l. The road over Murklopphøgda have magnificent views to the peaks of Hurrungane. You will pass «Stiftstøtta», a marble marker on the old border between Akershus and Bjørgvin counties. Her is a nice picnic area.
While on top, the terrain is easily walked and flat before the Kingsroad goes steeply downs towards Maristova at 800 m.a.s.l. Maristova has a history from at least the first half of the 14th century. Here you will stay the night, in a cabin at Maristuen Fjellferie. Your luggage has been brought here (1 package per person). The hike from Filefjellstuene via Kyrkjestølen to Maristova takes 5-8 hours. Read more about the section Kyrkjestølen-Maristova here.

DAY 3:
After breakfast you start at Maristova and continue your Kingsroad hike westward on the section Maristova-Borlaug. You walk on the authentic Kingsroad, nature trails, a little asphalt, passing river and walks over streams, over mountain range and through spruce forest. On the road you pass different cultural landscapes, ruins and old farms. The walk is about 7 kilometers long and has a elevation of 300 meters. Just after the start at Maristova you can take a short detour around the Honingane, an old farm area with some buildings from the middle age.
One of the attractions on this stretch is the Brattebakken bridge, a suspension bridge inspired by the other Kingsroad bridges you meet other places on the Kingsroad.
The hike ends up in the hamlet of Borlaug. The trip takes about 2 hours plus food break. From Borlaug you take public bus back to Filefjellstuene or Tyinkrysset (see timetables below), where your luggage is brought back (1 package per person) and the «Kingsroad Mountain Pass Tour» ends. Read more about the section Maristova-Borlaug here.

If 4 or more travels together: 4 490,- NOK
If 2-3 persons travels together: 4 990,- NOK

3 nights in a cabin, apartment or hotel rooms (depend on number of participants)
3 breakfasts where you can make a lunch pack for the hike
Bed sheets and room service
Transport to the starting point at Øye
Luggage transport Filefjellstuene-Maristova 2nd day and return 3rd day

Dinner/Supper. Filefjellstuene serves a 3-course dinner every day at 19:00 (table reservation no later than the evening before if you haven't order dinner incl. in this tour) or you can eat at Tyinkrysset Fjellstue.
Evening meal
Bus from Borlaug to Filefjellstuene the last day

Route 138 (Lærdal-Fagernes) passes Borlaug at 11:37 am and passes the driveway to Filefjellstuene at 12:03 pm. Dogs are allowed.
NW 162 (express bus Bergen-Lillehammer) passes Borlaug at 1.08 pm and is at Tyinkrysset 01.28 pm. From here you walk up to Filefjellstuene (aprox. 1 kilometer). Dogs are not allowed (except guide dogs).
NW162 passes Borlaug 4.41 and arrives at Tyinkrysset 5.02 in the period July 1. - August 11.
(subject to route changes).
Alternative: Solheim Taxi.

Visit the Øye Stave Church (at the start of the first hiking day)
Visit the Museum on the Barn (during the first hiking day)
Buy supplies at Joker Tyinkrysset (at the end of the first day's march)
Sports shop: Intersport Tyinkrysset (at the end of the first day's march)
Traditional food at Kyrkjestølen mountain dairy farm (you will pass it the second day)
Guided tour at the old Margretestuen mountain-logde (second day, on request)
Guided tour at Borlo Farmyard (third day, on order)
Want to stay one extra night after the hike? HI Borlaug Hostel.

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